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 Walkin' on air
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MessageSujet: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptyMer 16 Juil - 18:51:23

Shaïlan was walking down Diagon Alley, mumbling and siiiiiiiiiiiingin' in the raaaaaaain I'm haaappy agaaain I love you, thinking about what he could buy using money he had stolen Cool. The day had well begun, and the lucky(luke) man was now looking at Knockturn Alley, which was in a deeep freaking dark. Brr. Cold. The thief chose not to go there, there was a lot of fun to have in Diagon Alley, while not having himself compromised in this Holy christ's dark avenue that was Knockturn's. Pupils to scary, students to annoy, adults to steal.. A lotta fun to have, well ! alien One, two, three.. A hundred, a hundred and five, a hundred and fifty-twelve.. Woow ! More than a hundred beeeers jump evil And the Leaky Cauldron wasn't so expensive for beers and alcohol, so.. "Rock'n roll man !". Shaïlan walked faster and faster, as the bar approched, but suddendly...

*Schblaaaam!* Fou

-What the heck... ?! Who did this ?!?!
Shaïlan yelled using a small voice that could have belonged to a fifty-years-old girl...

Looking at the cause of the f*cking creepy noise, he shouted and smoke went out his nose and ears. Effectively, someone had just made a tonnel exploooode.. -__-' Stupid boy. Hakuna Matata, the boy just laughed at him, seeing him a bit scared ! Angry, Shaïlan walked to him, and made his big-evil-red-badguy eyes (like.. What the.. There's no smiley for it !), using his bad eyes, let's say so. The boy went out the road, crying, and Shaïlan walked again to his ooooh-so-goood beers...
A few seconds later, just while a began to think of how many beers he could drink in a minut, someone...


got right on hisself, making the two men fall in the.. Êrk, dirty dirt. The man that just hit Shaïlan wasn't so old, he seems better like a Hogward's student. *Omfhcg. (Oh-my-f*cking-holy-christ's-god, but Sssssh respect!) *

-Hummm.. Excuse me but.. Could you please move outta here ? I'm going asphixiated...

A woman laughed at them nearby, and Shaïlan got exhausted. Could he simply HAVE his beers, one day ?! The young pupil didn't move out, and Shaïlan just got sticked, beneath him, waiting for his fellow to move, so that he could step out the dust...

And this woman couldn't stop laughing, once ?! Suspect

[Voilà voilà... J'espère que ça conviendra ><]
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptyJeu 17 Juil - 19:28:50

An other day in the Diagon Alley … After a long moment into Flourish and Blotts, and about a hundred books bought, Mimmi decides to come back , but her look stopped on the new novel of Rowling, which had just gone out …she looked around her, but there was crowd ! If she did not take this book now, it would be possible that it is not available any more when she would come back that to make it??? Temptation was too strong …

After several minutes of intense cogitation, she took the book, gripping it in their arms, and basted up to the case in order to pay …

Breathless but finally face to the seller, she realize by herself that she had not looked at the price of this book … arf ^^

- another book Mimmi ? I ‘m going to make a fortune today!
Heuum, yes , I find ! It will make 29 galleons!

*A so small book for a so Costly book ?
check after all, it’s to relax ! *

She tightened the hand to silver the money, and it’s at this moment there that a deafening noise , resounded in all the store, followed nearly by swearwords !
Curious, she tightened the neck to look, for nothing, ‘cause theire too much people in front of her. Outside , what’s happening … ?

A second din! This time she had to see what took place !!
She made a long way among people to attend … a delicious stage, very funny too see !
And on this stage , a guy in a poor position …

Citation :
-Hummm.. Excuse me but.. Could you please move outta here ? I'm going asphixiated...

She not been able to help laughing heart-to-heart ^^
that’s so cute ! but the comedy rapidely turned has the tragedy … this man was not really in health, nobody was care with him ! And nobody seems to saw that …

-Stop !

She says with a small voice …But anybody listened to her … so she shouted :

-Bloody Hell ! stop it ! fureur
And stay away from him, now!

She advanced towards him, timid … An angelic smile shown on her face

-All is fine ? heuum , I'm Mimmi jap !

Edit : heuu c'est boon ? lool
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptyJeu 17 Juil - 20:19:23

Waaaah !! affraid affraid affraid affraid affraid

What was thaaat ?! Fou Fou

Someone shouted Stop ?! But why ?! Who did this ? Who did ? Don't lie, I shall not be merciful bruce lee. Shaïlan's heart was now beating at AT LEAST three hundred beats/min, if it wasn't more. >.< Looking around to find the culprit who had freaked him to hell, the man tried again to stand out the dust, pushing the boy over him, that did not move a bit of his hell's corpse; without succeding, though. Couldn't any of these fellows move his ass to help him ? Like like.. like this person who shouted ! Suspect

Finally, while Shaïlan mumbled bloody-hell's-angels-what'sherface-bad names to the pupil that stand over his perfect body (Cool), someone walked towards him and dispatched people around them, so that he could stand up and clean himself from the duuuÊrkust that was pouring on his leather jacket.

What ?! Shocked

The laD that helped him was in fact a laSS ?! Oh me god.. What a shame na. A woman helped perfect-Shaïlichou stand out the dust ? Un-acc-cept-able. Helped by an inside-reproductive-organs buddy.. And all people saw that?! Nooo..
Although, Shaïlan's face kept being Cool and Twisted Evil, so that his surprise remained invisible.

- Fine, thank ya. I guess those people needed a little laughing before goin' to work.

A little wink later, he continued, a little curiosity piercing out his voice:

- And, may I know the name of the person that rescued me from death and devil... ? titeuple

Well, she was kindda pretty, and clever, looking to the books she was holding in her arms. As a perfect gentleman, Shaïlan took the books in order to hold them himself, smiled ange, and began to walk, beside this nice woman.

Where a woman stands, beers can wait.. Oh so well-known idiom Fou
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptyVen 18 Juil - 7:28:31

[Hj: Je préviens tout de suite, ne vous attendez pas à des romans xD]

    This morning there, Neville n' had not really wanted to rise. It was to go, again, on the short cut to make some races there and did not feel sufficiently well to do it. Patient all the night, it had thus looked at, d' a dull eye, the rain which s' cut down on the landscape. It n' the choice did not have, at least not vis-a-vis this irascible old woman being used to him of grandmother and tutor. Even s' he admitted having benefitted from the events having them place with the ministry to better show itself by this one. When Augusta Londubat wished something, well in sorrow would be that which would try s' to oppose to it. Neville very often made the expenses in spite of him of them.

    Arriving in front of l' entered of the tavern, Neville hid at once. It n' had not forgotten that the newspapers had spoken about him in the pages, affirming qu' it had taken part in the fight against the mangemorts s' being infiltrated with the ministry for the magic. Good d' agreement, it had taken part well in this operation, but it n' in withdrew any pride, just an immense feeling of shame. After all, it s' was made beat by this Lestrange qu' he hated so much.


    He just, still, fall on the step ...
    Just font of a couple of wizards that he didn't know yet ...
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptyVen 18 Juil - 8:38:39

A young man …and what a young man, a gentleman! super
Mimmi felt ridiculous to have helped a person who would have can push back these kids with a simple gesture but he well seemed to take it, and with the class, and humour on top of that!!

Citation :
-Fine, thank ya. I guess those people needed a little laughing before goin' to work.

An embarrassed smile appears on the face of the young Mimmi …

Citation :
-And, may I know the name of the person that rescued me from death and devil... ?

A rescue? She was not a lifeguard ^^
Word was not much too well brought up opposite of this situation, but she don't care about it …

- Bachelard Mimmi, but call me Mimmi …
And what is the name of a so delightful young man Razz ?

They began walking, a silence became established ...Perhaps it had something else to make? But this question did not stay in her head for a long time, because at this instant, they hit a pupil, according to what she had can see in some seconds…

Citation :

My God! That they were unruly! It not needed two minutes for Mimmi to turn, face to this silly thing and wonder if he was a blind person or a stupid and idiot simpleton, well, otherwise a member of a band of fanatical baboons…Twisted Evil

But after cogitation, she did not dare to argue.
It was ‘nt in conventions to devote herself so on a public show, especially having made look ridiculous herself by helping a young man wholly able of managing alone.

In brief, she forced back her anger, but her complexion becoming scarlet red, she looked at the individual who had dared to jostle them, by hoping for excuses …and now!

But what thought of it this dear young man, beside her hum ? She threw a discreet furtive look in order to see his reaction ...
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptyVen 18 Juil - 11:38:00

Mimmi.. What a pretty name for a name woman such as this one.. Definitly, beers could wait a few more minutes. He wasn't running out of time, this day, there was no schoom and no boring stuff to do. And well, seeing the lack of people who seemed going to work this morning, he wasn't the only one being in vacation. Neutral Too bad..
When Mimmi Bachelard asked for his name, Shaïlan smiled such as Cool and replied with politness and courteousness :

- I am named Shaïlan Ezechiel Koran, but you can call me Shaïlan, a bit shorter to say. niarkhéhé

They continued walking a few minutes, talking about rain and dogs, Mimmi's books hold by Shaïlan. He began to believe that nothing could happen this day; but...

Another *Ouch !* was yelled by someone unknown. Besides, Shaïlan didn't get scared, since he got afraid twice in the day, and passed trough it na.
And well, in fact, he seemed not so interested in the lad that shouted "Outch", just as personns didn't care about him when he did fall.
But, being a sheep wasn't so glorious, and Mimmi seemed not to care to. Fudge, human beings were so.. no word for it.Suspect

Shaïlan turned back, looking around in order to find the dangerous lady.. Err, lady in danger, the same. Whatever, his eyebrows dropped when he reckognised the teen' about whom the newspapers talked a lot this days : Neville Longbottom. With the help of Mimmi, the man helped his Hogward's fellow stand up and clean hisself. ( Sooo nice of him, no ? :sifle:)

- Needed a little help, Mister Longbottom ? That's not very careful of you to shopp in Diagon Alley these times, alone...

Waiting to see if Mimmi would speak again, he replied though :

- My name's Bond, James Bond Koran, Shaïlan Koran. Wanna walk a bit ?

Why was Mimmi not talking ? Suspect scratch
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptyVen 18 Juil - 18:49:56

Obviously, Shaïlan took this "accident" with the better mood he can have, maybe just because the lout was Neville Longbottom, the famous student about whom all newspapers spoke …

Unfortunately for this dear Neville, Mimmi had not immediately recognized him when Shaïlan invited him to walk with them...

Why it was necessary, when everything went well with a young man (and not whatever, slim!), anything or anybody upset this happiness?Neutral
It was not chance but after all, it was an opportunity to speak with this other young man ...

(that less delightful and respectable and good-looking than precedent …)

Intertwining arms, she looked at Neville of top and at the bottom, downward, before speaking about a soft voice which surprised it …

-Shaïlan just says … walk in this street isn’t recommended na

With a shiny smile on her face, she looked at him , then looked behind and around her …
And saw the curious look of other people...:/:

-I think that it would be preferable to find someplace… a pub?
That would tell you to go to drink something hot?
It is raining cats and dogs, and furthermore it is better to come back!

She searched look a homey tavern but did not seem to find it…And Shaïlan ... Surpris ouuups, poor Marvel ! he still holds pounds ...

-hoo ! Shaïlan, thanks you for having help me.. Would you like I take this books once again?
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptySam 19 Juil - 16:59:44

[Hj: Désolé, ce topic ne me réussissant pas je quitte le navire ^^"]

Poor Neville, so awkwardly fallen with ground. Good, should be also said; it n' had not made attention with walk and s' face against ground was somewhat collapsed. Which humiliation, it s' in would never give… never.


He told to the young woman who looked at it d' an eye of most interrogative. Neville was really not with ease in this kind of situation. It felt naked, scanned under all the seams, and could not what say moreover. But the humiliation did not stop there, since the two adults l' helped to be raised ( was'nt He able to do it all alone? o_O) and to clean his clothing. He thanked them for this gesture while remaining there, the swinging arms. What to say? Thank you?That was already made. What to make? Yes that to make, what Neville wondered which hesitated betweens' to flee while running or to try to discuss quietly. But, finally, it was the decency which Neville carried and, after a short movement of head to greet the two adults, it so took again his way like nothing had happened.
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptySam 19 Juil - 21:13:54

Apparently, Neville Longbottom did not please himself in their company, therefore he left quicly, disappeared in the lots of people shopping in Diagon Alley. Perhaps was he ashamed of his fall, perharps there was something else that disturbed him.
Whatever. he decided to leave, he left. And was soon out of view.

Mimmi's question caught Shaïlan's attention. Someplace like.. A pub ? Shocked Did she say PUB ? P-U-B Pub ? Very Happy As in.. a lotta beers ? niarkhéhé And in fact, she was in truth : it was effectivly raining cats and dogs for more than a dozen minutes, a rain poured on his leather jacket, leaving it dry. Although Shaïlan wasn't so disturbed by rain, Mimmi seemed to.
And, who could refuse to go with a pretty lady in a Pub, with beers, and alcohol and cigarettes, and... drunken
A perfect gentleman should obviously accompany a woman to a place, in order to keep her clothes and hair dry.

In fact, Shaïlan had forgotten he was holding books.. And of course, Books and rain wasn't a good mix.

- That's no problem, I could stille have hold them a lotta time, but rain will damage them if they remain under. I got a solution. Would you please hold these ?

With caution and attention, the man gave the books back to Mrs Bachelard. The second later, his jacket was off his body, protecting Mimmi's head and shoulders, and by the way, books she was holding.
Wasn't it nice of him ? Cool
Under the jackets he had took off, Shaïlan was wearing a black tee-shirt, near his body, drawing his muscles... Rolling Eyes His arms remained uncovered, and rain hit skin without any noise.
And in fact, he did not care. Rain wasn't so cold. When he assured himself that rain couldn't damage Mimmi and the books, they walked again, to the Laky Cauldron. bom
They finally got in, and closed the wall in a small move of wand. Shaïlan took his jacket back and shook it to put off drops of rain. His own hair was wet, but he didn't care.

- This way, Milady...

And showed a empty table were they sat a few seconds later. perdu Candles lighted up the scene, and there were a few people at the bar, chatting with each other without paying attention to them.

- faim! So, what would you like to drink, Mimmi ? I'll pay.
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptyMar 22 Juil - 17:45:02

Undoubtedly, Neville was more than strange! Leave and content itself with a simple movement of head …Suspect

There remained only this nice Shaïlan and her on this street laid under a downpour, with all this people around them …

And although her streaming hair along his shoulders and on the forehead, did not allow him to differentiate surroundings, she can saw a devastating smile on the face of young man, happy to come back into a tavern, not because the rain can upset it.

Sudden, it put pounds between the arms of Mimmi, already crossed, and then encircled her shoulders of his jacket, a gesture which warmed up him to the heart! sunny
And thanks to the rain, this mana wather ,Mimmi can looks... no, admire the body of the nice shaïlan… would have ‘it already participated in a competition of wet T-shirt ?!?

And, always charming, he opened the door of the Laky Cauldron…

« - This way, Milady... »

greaaaaaat! Yeux
This pub was always so homey, even more in so delightful company …
Mimmi became established at the table, pointing out a band of loud wizards in the bar …

“- So, what would you like to drink, Mimmi ? I'll pay.”

To pay ? It was no way there!! bruce lee
If this man was really gallant, he will let she pay, after everything it is her which in had the idea of coming here, he belongs therefore to her to pay the bill !
But even if she knew his answer, she really tried …

-No way !
I invite You SO I pay …! You’re my guest!

With an angel smile, she put down several galleons on the table and encircling them with her hand still humid,
pushed them towards the young man, outbraving him of look, don’t try to contradict her !!

-And I shall take as you! drunken
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptyJeu 24 Juil - 11:26:47

With Mimmi's new conviction, Shaïlan could possibly not argue. :/: And in fact, he was couting on the fact that she would wanna pay for him. Of course, if she had not wanted, he would have paid, but.. That's money not wasted, money for beers ! Wasn't it beeeeautiful ? bounce
While thinking about how many alcohol drinks it would save to let Mimmi pay their first one, Shaïlan replied :

- Well, lady's orders, I won't disobey.. Cool

When she continued by telling him she would want to take the same drink as he would, the man's eyebrows lifted up, and he laughed :

- Would you REALLY wanna take a couple of Firewhiskies.. ? Well, I guess yes. drunken

Apparently, she wanted, by looking to her lovely face that was animated by determination. A few rain drops were falling down her hair, giving her kind of a wild aura. With a cautionous and sweet gesture, Shaïlan's fingers took off rain in Mimmi's hair. In the same time, he whispered :

- Perfection must not be altered by any kind of weather attack...

In his mind, Shaïlan was laughing. Women were so easy to fall in love.. It would not take too much time for Mimmi to.
After a little silence, he yelled to the barman that was beginning to watch them with a bad face :

- So, that'll be two Firewhiskies, man ! Fou

Looking again to Mimmi, waiting for their drinks to come, he asked :

- So, Mimmi, what are you doing for a job ?

[ Beuah, excuse-moi, c'est court et j'ai mis du temps à répondre ><']
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptyVen 25 Juil - 12:27:59

It did not seem to oppose against idea that it is her which pays, what delighted Mimmi …
then he ordered a firewhisky , without implicating her capacity to swallow it... What evil was there to make good :sifle: ?? Saïlan seemed to understand it, at least they were on the same length of wave !!

Mimmi wanted to smile at him when she smelt a finger to push back her humid fringe on her face, and which she heard Saïlan murmuring …

“perfection must not be altered by any kind of weather attack...”

She smelt the red to come to her in cheeks. But what did he make? perdu
Mimmi postponed the head lightly but still smiled, even if she did not dare to look at him … No, it was not possible, and she want made everything so that this day remains a banal day. A silence became established, and the young woman did not raise eyes until Saïlan orders drink …

-So, that'll be two Firewhiskies, man !

Mimmi smelt his look, and she decided to forget this incident and to make as though nothing had taken place …

- So, Mimmi, what are you doing for a job ?

She began to answer, but the waiter arrived with firewhiskeys
He put them brutally on the table but did not leave …
Mimmi threw him an embarrassed glance, and finally he left towards the bar of his lame speed. The young lady drank a mouthful of this breuvage, felt her body warming itself, before speaking slowly.

-I am a professor of magic care in the UMA … And you?

Finally…a normal conversation ^^ Rolling Eyes
Mimmi leaned to the file of the chair, she removed her coat and put it on the table, then taken out her baguette of her pocket to dry all the clothes of a small spell. She took advantage of it to tie up her hair. Finally she rested the glance on the young man.

[HJ:mouais ... un peu d'animation serait bien, non ?? à toi l'honneur XD ]
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptyDim 27 Juil - 20:02:06

Loudly, the barman finally arrived with their drinks. He was wearing dirty suits, shorts that should have been white, and up his big stomach, a filthy shirt was tightened. Yûck Yûck.. pale Hopefully, he didn't start any kind of conversation, staying by them in silence. Suspect
Finally, Mimmi made him leave with Twisted Evil look, and they were alooone..
Thinking about how Shaïlan could get favours from Mimmi Bachelard, he admirated silently colors of his Firewhisky. Orange, bloody red, half-grey smoke.. Beeeautiful. I love you

.. What.. ?! She was working at AMU ?! At the Advanced Magic University ? Shocked Shocked She was.. HIS teacher ? ! Oh me god..

All hopes for some good.. good Twisted Evil moments vanished. She was a teacher, she would later be his teacher, he shall have to listen to her lessons. Êrk.
Suddendly, Mimmi appeared as someone he could not touch anymore, someone he should never expect to be near of. Merlin's beard he was unlucky this day ! -.-

- AMU's teacher.. Really ? You know what ?

And he stopped, bent over the table, in order not to be heard by anyone else. With confidence's tone, he whispered Cool:

- You'll be me teacher, Mimmi Bachelard. I'm first grade student at AMU.

She seemed surprised, and Shaïlan took advantage of her surprise to pick up HER drink, with an angel's face. :sifle: Taking some mouthfuls of Firewhisky, his smile was moquing nicely. Then he gave back her alcohol to Mimmi, and took from his jacket's pocket a pack of cigarettes.

- Well, I guess teachers do not smoke.. Very Happy

And lighted one in a small silent incantation. A moment later, he spit rounds of smoke, and replied :

- I wasn't expecting having sort of a date with one of my future teachers, but.. I does not bother me. If you find it strange, or unnaceptable, you should just leave. Except if you wanna stay with me.. drunken

Behind them, people stood up from their chairs. Sounded like a fight..
Fight ? Very Happy:D As in Fi-ght ?
No. Later. When he'll have muuch more alcohol in his blood to afford a fight with honor. bruce lee

- Do those fellows behind disturb you, Mrs Bachelard ?
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptyLun 28 Juil - 9:50:41

-You'll be me teacher, Mimmi Bachelard. I'm first grade student at AMU.

NOoOoOo ! affraid It was impossible! He appeared of the same age as she, as a man who would work can be in the ministry, as a man! As the perfect person … In this total confusion, Mimmi noticed only little that Saïlan took her beer. She resumed, took back her spirit, after all it was not so dramatic, and everybody few to take itself in the "trap" … This Young man sight completely … Shocked Holds…likes, he smokes … !

-Well, I guess teachers do not smoke…

He lights his cigarette, then continued on the same tone, so cracking drunken

-I wasn't expecting having sort of a date with one of my future teachers, but.. I does not bother me. If you find it strange, or unnaceptable, you should just leave. Except if you wanna stay with me..

He well seemed to take it but he looked for an answer ... indeed, he was going to have one of it!
Without thinking about what she said, Mimmi tell to Saïlan:

-First, Guy , you imagine badly …'cause I smoke!

She looooves Hell's paradise ... And whith a light blow of baguette (that she always had in the hand since she had dried her clothes), she attracted towards her the package of cigarette, then took out one of it, and light it in his turn .Then, of a glance which challenges any competition, she continued on the thrown …

-Then, I did not either imagine a meeting with one of my pupils … I do not think whether it’s in the logic of things, certainly, but I make fun of it! Fou It doesn’t matter if other people don’t think that!!
That things became clear, yes... ok, I find you charming and I have no intension to leave this table before you!

She drank little of whiskey which stayed, and it is then that a fight began to burst …

-Do those fellows behind disturb you, Mrs Bachelard ?

AAARG! But it is not true!! fureur
Of anger, she move above the table, took the young man by the collar of his shirt, and nose against nose (Almost mouth-to-mouth) with Saïlan,Inhaling his soft flavor perfume... she whispered...

- Nothing can disturbs me, Handsome boy ... This little fight can wait a moment!

She turned the head to them, by thinking that they shall not wait for a long time because she needed to let off stream, needed to clear and evacuee her anger poked !
But there, to 2 centimetres’ of her head, a young man had to explain at first ... ! She did not want to move back but would re-make wait that he made something...
She did not know why she had got excited, anger, maybe the fact that he takes her only for a professor... often the image of a teacher was the one of a hurdy-gurdy harpy, all the opposite of Mimmi, a young person who took advantage of the life!
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptySam 2 Aoû - 19:56:17

She smoked ? Suspect Goddam Hell, Shaïlan did not except such a thing to happen. He'd have to share his lighter.. and with a woman ! Oh god god god.. Quietly, the man waited for the next events, hoping something would disturb Mimmi Bachelard in her way to use HIS lighter.

What ? Suspect She stole HIS pack of cigarettes ? She... dared ! :bruce:And using magic. However he didn't move to stop her from stealing one of his little drug sticks. Hopefully, she didn't ask for his lighter, and used magic to light her cigarette.. Was she not aware of magic regulations ? Or maybe she tried to impress him. respect! Whatever.

She seemed to be going a little drunk as time went by. Her words were somehow meaningless.. and she said he was charming. Cool But of course he was, didn't she notice befoore ? I love you Although, Shaïlan didn't answer, drinking his Firewhisky and looking at the fight with envy. Fight fight fight.. punch kick sbam schplarf broum badaboum Aïe. Miiih. Fight fight fight..

Argl-huh ! She was strugglin' him ! oÔ Why was she doing that ? She was so clooose, me good.. Handsome boy ? Wow, nice one, girl ! I love you
And in fact, she was holding him very strongely. His t-shirt was a bit suffering, perhaps was it effect of the alcohol to have such a strength...
Avoiding vicous thoughts :sifle: , Shaïlan took advantage of their situation to admire her, detail all colors in eyes or lips for example. It would be so easy to kiss..

But a gentleman wouldn't do that. And a student to his teacher too. No right. Too bad.
Whatever, there was stille a lotta young women outside to intimidate or impress. na

- Mrs Bachelard, could you please release me ? You're struggling me.. pale

At her name's evocation, Mimmi hold him up stronger, and he added quiclky :

- Sorry sorry sorry ! Laughing But, the situation is unconvenent for someone of your rank.. What do you expect from me ? That I kiss you ? That I call you Mimmi ? What.. ? pale

And there was still the fight.. fight fight fight. Sblam punch crack ouch boum. Fight fight fight...

Fiiight-euh.. Crying or Very sad
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptyDim 3 Aoû - 15:29:26

Yes, she was strange, and then !! It was not all the time the case, that he feels reassured! :sifle:

-Mrs Bachelard, could you please release me? You' re struggling me..

She tightened her red embrace, the eyes of anger … He had just made an error furthermore …

-Sorry sorry sorry ! But, the situation is unconvenent for someone of your rank.. What do you expect from me ? That I kiss you ? That I call you Mimmi ? What.. ?

In these words, Mimmi released the collar as if it was infested that with louses… all that he wanted, it was to know! Normal but he would have to understand before …Razz

-Listen… I have enough that of it we say to me what I have to make …or name I have enough that of it we say to me "madam" because I ‘m a professor !
I am ready to pay of my profession to have the freedom, be as a normal person, and even more with somebody as you, even if, by the biggest of fate, it turns out that once a week we find us in the same classroom! It is not a reason not to call me Mimmi. Neutral

she hesitated to pronounce the rest of her words … was he really to know?
Or did he really want it? After all she could not read her thoughts … And with difficulty, she continued to speak, by trying to create allusions...

-I expect from you only for the fact that you are ready to offer me … Wink

Then she looked at him, in eyes, at the moment she was relaxed and calms down, the elbow was pressed on the table …

Noticing that it remained in him some whiskey, she held out the hand towards this one and in purpose little, then rested it on its place…
It is then, that one of the men who fought fell on the table in an enormous noise, making knock down, drinks, Mimmi got up then … Who dared? affraid
While the tensions calmed down!! She pointed her baguette at the man, took the worm of Whiskey which was on the ground ,and hesitated his contents on the head of the intruder,
Then and threw a furtive glance towards Saïlan.

:/: Provided that he does not became angry after her to have rocked the whiskey but anyway it had fallen has ground… and a man of its class would not have drunk ,it ^^
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptyLun 4 Aoû - 0:33:58

Finally, she released him. Urgh. I think Im' drowning, asphixiated.. *SBHAM* Old song's lyrics were coming up in his head, helped by alcohol and violence. It seemed like that song was one of his favourites, to remember the lyrics in the middle of a weird situation. Did he at least remember the group it came from ? Suspect The answer was no. Goddam. =.=

So, she wanted him to call her Mimmi, to consider her as a simple personn. Nothing else ? Crying or Very sad No romantic words at all ? Fou Oh, too bad.

Wait wait wait ! Chico What d'she say ? Yeux Such a allusion here.. Imagining how many things were hidden behind Mimmi's words. I wanna break the spell, you've created.. But in fact, he wanted to play her game, no to break it. Finally, this day wasn't exaclty what he had imagined. A young lady that wanted him to do what he wanted to do.. It was not quite what he thought it would be. jump evil

Goddaaaaaaam ! affraid affraid Whiskey was flying? Suspect No, it was someone that dropped it off the table while fighting. Reveenge ! bruce lee Seeing that Mimmi used her wand to clean alcohol, Shaïlan threw himseld into the fight, stimulated by Firewhiskey! Kawabungaaaaaaaa ! fureur Punch Patrata boum paf ! You can't push it underground, I can't stop it screaming out..

The fight pushed him against the wall, just near Mimmi. Blinded by alcohol, adrenalin and all and all, Shaïlan kissed Mimmi passionnatly, and returned fighting.

After three flights against the wall, some bad hits and broken tables, the man came back to their table, breathless but happy. He had a fiiight ! yeah

And, he couldn't lie to himself, he had appreciated their kiss. Rolling Eyes

- Excuse me for my impatience, Mimmi.. I did not think of what I was doing.. Did it disturb you ? pale
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptyLun 4 Aoû - 12:26:59

The fight was going full swing … Mimmi, even if she was terrified, admired Saïlan who fighting as a goooood!! danseuse
And while he was thrown against the wall, she could not refrain from smiling to him… this fight moved closer to them! super And it is at this moment there that she did not understand the young man… he kissed her, while behind him, a man was going to put in this beautiful guy a memorable punch hum … But Saïlan turned around and put him k-o !! respect!
This fight would have of occur earlier … It is then that the man left empty-handed …

-Excuse me for my impatience, Mimmi.. I did not think of what I was doing.. Did it disturb you ?

And, smiling, she contented herself with this answer, which seemed to make left of "already lived" .

- As I have already said, nothing can disturb me …

Mimmi was always in the same place, and Saïlan had got closer to her … niarkhéhé Taking advantage of the occasion, she returned to him her kiss, a long and soft sign of tenderness …

She looked at him intensely, before turning to the "cemetery" of tables and chairs smashed …

Just like that by her baguette, and under the eye dissatisfied of the waiter and with her boss, mimmi repaired fragments, and then , sat at a table as if nothing had taken place … finally, almost anything … :sifle: ^^
She asked the waiter” two others for neat firewhisky" ,a reward was grateful drunken , and they could chat of this battle, if they had the time for this happy!!
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MessageSujet: n   Walkin' on air EmptyDim 10 Aoû - 21:46:05

Exactly what she expected her to do. She kissed him back. I love you It was absolutly magic. She kissed like only a few women knew : long, tender, feminin, soft.. Little things that Shaïlan appreciated. It was like she had lighted a fire in his body, a fire that was growing up second after second. He wanted her. Now. or never, Hammerfall power. Didn't care anymore for the fact that she was or would be his teacher. Wanted her. Their last kiss, plus the whisky, it was too much for a woman-lover man. And she was a woman. She was pretty, bloody pretty. She kissed well. And she wanted him too. Twisted Evil

She was indeed powerful. Mimmi repaired their table and sat again, whistling. He sat again, nearby her.. just near her, far nearer than minutes ago. :sifle: Nothing could disturb her, huh ? Nor an alcoholic-loving-fighting Shaïlan ? Cool Neither he fact that he wanted her more than ever?
He indeed was lucky. na
The barman arrived with a few more Firewhiskies by them, and this time, Shaïlan paid him back faster, in order to pay the first. It was just a few Galleons, nothing important, he was rich..
Silence took place between them, silence in which the man was appreciating this young woman beside him. jump2
He drank two other Firewkishy. His body was not responding as he would have wanted, but it was not important.
Drunk, but still looking quite, I said QUITE, normal, Shaïlan whispered :

- You are beautiful..

And suddendly stood up, walked just by Mimmi, pushed her against the wall softlessly, and kissed her wildy. He was just going mad about her, wanting her lips again and again, again and again.. I love you With moves that were motivated by alcohol, he grabbed her with his fingers, kissing her neck, smelling her perfume..
It was just a woman, it would be a woman like another, but it was today's woman. And for a few hours, he was gonna love her madly.

[Je suis à pendre ><']
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptyLun 11 Aoû - 18:46:25

The passion took her. It was like that and Mimmi wanted and could not change the progress of things … It was useless … drunken He had the words so that she ignites, it is as if he knew the secret code of a strongroom which would contain its most crazy feelings …

But she was frightened … All that he had said to her concerning his professor's post returned to her in head pale … She did not any more manage to look at him in eyes... Putting her glance on the table, she noticed that he had already whistled his glass …was he’s really sober? He thought of the fact that he said to her? No idea... And Mimmi would have no pus to speak to him about it Neutral !!

And nevertheless he ignited again… became as extravagant Embarassed … She tried to find her feelings of passions but nothing more came, after all of what she had thought. A question obsessed her… was it a game for him? She had no slightest idea of it most either but she doubted that for him, it was seriousness and even if the "serious" word frightened her , she would not have agreed to be a "Day girl", even if " girl of always " was a phobia …

She again turned to sit down; a little hampered ... She had to say something … anything! But her eyes were attracted by the door and seemed to command the rest of her body... Her legs especially! She had to stay, she obliged himself …

And got her attention on the young man in front of her and suddenly, he appeared to her as a foreigner … She smiled, this times this with her heart. She did not like these changes of thinking ... she let us comes out in favour… did not know what to think Mad … she had fallen in love? To be few, but maybe too fast …

*perdu Says something Mimmi …*
*Yes but what? *
*I’m gonna to seem stupid!!!perdu *

A fight took place in her spirit … to say «I love you» it was hard, and to be few too much early it was not even on its feelings, not in some hours nevertheless! Razz buuuut she felt soooo attracted by him!

She took her glass and drank suddenly :/: …
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptyVen 15 Aoû - 16:37:09

When he sat again, looking at the lady's reaction, Shaïlan realised what just happened. He was going drunk, after some firewhiskies.. Taking a look at the scene, he slowly rememberd why there were broken chairs laying on the ground, why the barman was angry and fureur angrily lookin' at them fureur. But, he couldn't get them off the Laky Cauldron, they had lots of money, enough to pay all the alcohol they were now drinking; Shaïlan remembered that he ought not drink so much alcohol.. it was far too dangerous for him.. or the ladies nearby.. kikou
Obviously, he had done something to Mimmi. She was shy and didn't dare to look at him. What exactly happened ? Suspect Shaïlan couldn't tell. Oh god.. It was annoying. Alcohol had very very bad effects on him, although he could stand a lot of beers before being entirely drunk.
Oh god god god..

She was mute, hesitating.. Shaïlan bit his lips, :/: embarrassed. But, before saying something he could regret after, it was necessary to recover his sobriety. Standing up, with a sorry look, he walked -not very good- to the barman, whispering at him :

- D'ya have sorta vat of wa'er ?

Fatboy did not seem to understand what Shaïlan had asked, and grr told him to get away. The young man repeated :

- Do you have a V.A.T of W.A.T.E.R ?

A few minutes later, potion, totally wet, his hair deluted, Shaïlan came back to their table, no drunk anymore. Mimmi would not speak. So he took her hand in his, and said:

- I.. I just don't remember what I did to you. I was drunk, and I perhaps harmed you.. I' like you to forgive me, Mimmi. Embarassed

Of course, Shaïlan didn't think all of what he said But, it was better not to have a bad reputation with the AMU's teachers, of his first year would look like inferno.

- What did I do ? Did I harm you in any way ?
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MessageSujet: Re: Walkin' on air   Walkin' on air EmptySam 16 Aoû - 16:10:32

He had forgotten everything Neutral ....everything Crying or Very sad ... and that he had acted on a bad way, he asked her to excuse him ... excusing him for what? To have become enraged and have laughed at of her? To have kissedher while he tried nothing pale ?

Yes, he hurt her; but it doesn't much matter, because it was not him and it was not him either when he put his lips on her own … She had to content himself with that …

She removed the hands of those of the young man and brought them has the maintaining face... she did not believe it any more. Was he so drunk so, or he simply wanted to pretend to have forgotten?

- It is really true? You do not thus remember? Say to me the truth …

She hoped that finally he says to her the truth, that he admits her the unavowable, the lie. It was something half excusable but after all, little to be that he was really very drunk ... and even if Mimmi knew that it was not its fault, to forgive would have can be been harder …

- If it is the case, I think that we have nothing more to say to us bruce lee

Huuuups affraid !!! why she says that?? No, sheit had so thing to him , To say !she had to catch Pfff

- unless you explained me why you kissed me? why Yeux ?

She too was a culprit she had tenderly embraced him, but this one was real and sincere …
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